AIC Card

AIC has existed now for more than five years. After organizing over 1000 events of different kinds and surviving a pandemic, we feel stronger and more eager to offer many different events to the International community of this wonderful city where we live. 

Besides organizing events that aim to let people socialize and interact, we have always considered AIC a laboratory of activities and services to benefit all the internationals that make up our community. 

We always strive to offer the best to the community by offering many free events and by negotiating better conditions for our members when we cooperate with third parties. Our intention is to keep following this direction. Nevertheless, there are many costs to cover and a lot of time to invest in keeping this organization.

For this reason, we created the AIC card. Special membership for our most loyal followers. This card is a great way to enjoy the many opportunities that our community has to offer. We studied this card in a way that if you attend more than one AIC event per month, getting the card will be more convenient than purchasing two separate tickets. It basically costs only 5€ per month! 

Why should you get an AIC Card?

  • Get free access or special discounts to AIC events.
  • Enjoy special discounts from AIC's partners
  • Always  get priority entrance when spots are limited
  • 24-hour refund policy with events organized by AIC
  • Most importantly, support our organization! We started it as a hobby with the purpose of supporting the expats community of Amsterdam. A little contribution is always very helpful. 😉

 Buy the AIC Card